At Smart Aviation and Defense Industry Inc., our basic principles are to create and maintain an ethical and transparent working environment. For this purpose, we have core policies such as Ethics and Integrity, Respect and Diversity, Safety and Environment, Quality and Excellence, Responsibility and Accountability, which all our employees must comply with. In line with these policies, we also have special policies in areas such as recruitment and reemployment, working hours and wages, leaves and holiday rights, training and development, performance evaluation, occupational health and safety, environmental protection and information security.
At Smart Aviation and Defense Industry Inc., our basic principles are to create and maintain an ethical and transparent working environment. To ensure this;
Ethics and Integrity: We act honestly and transparently in all our activities.
Respect and Diversity: We create a diverse and inclusive work environment.
Safety and Environment: We always prioritize the safety of our employees and the environment.
Quality and Excellence: We aim for the highest quality and excellence in everything we do.
Responsibility and Accountability: We are responsible and accountable for our actions.

At Smart Aviation and Defense Industry Inc., we are aware of our responsibility to the environment and we are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment with our activities. To this end, we contribute to a sustainable future with our innovative products, airgel and superhydrophobic coating. While our aerogels reduce the need for heat insulation and cooling in buildings by saving energy, our superhydrophobic coatings minimize the need for cleaning and maintenance with their water and oil repellent properties. In this way, we contribute to both protecting energy resources and preventing waste generation. Smart continues to work to leave a livable world to future generations with its environmentally friendly technologies.
Quality at Smart: The Key to Perfection At Smart Aviation and Defense Industry Inc., we adopt the principle of maximizing perfection in our airgel and superhydrophobic coatings. We achieve this with our customer-focused approach, continuous improvement effort, zero error tolerance, meticulous supply chain management and the active participation of our employees. Each of our products undergoes rigorous testing and analysis to ensure the highest level of performance and durability. Enjoy perfection with Smart!
At Smart Aviation and Defense Industry Inc., we adopt an environmentally friendly and sustainable approach at every step, from the development to the production of our airgel and superhydrophobic coatings. We strive to build a more livable world for future generations by playing a leading role in areas such as energy saving, waste reduction, minimization of emissions and ethical supply chain. We contribute to this goal by educating and raising awareness of our employees and stakeholders on sustainability. Take a step into the future with Smart and contribute to a sustainable future!